Send Us Plans and Particulars

Rescheck energy compliance software is developed, maintained, and sponsored by the Department of Energy. All we need is a set of plans with enough detail to see what your project entails, including exterior elevations. Pictures emailed to us help also. If there is any SPECIFIC detail related to the windows or thermal envelope (insulation), let us know in the email; otherwise we do all work from what is on the plans.

Email is

Tell Us the Project Information

In addition to the plans we need the following: 1) town name and state, 2) street name and house number, 3) whether it is a whole house, gut renovation, remodel of a portion, or an addition. CLEARLY mark the plans with the areas that are affected, involved.

Reports, Invoicing

We will email the reports to the email sent to us after the invoice is paid. Credit cards are the only form of payment accepted for this service.